Styx fencing battens/droppers-providing animal security in flood prone areas

We recently visited Mark, a customer based in North Canterbury on the inland Kaikoura Road between Mt Lyford and Kaikoura.
Mark farms sheep & beef and has been using the Styx fencing battens, not only for boundary fencing, but also in a unique application for fences exposed to flooding situations and areas where slips have or may occur.
We chatted to Mark about his experience with the Styx battens, and how these have helped him to improve his fencing reliability in demanding conditions.
Fencing for River Crossings & Waterways
One of Mark's challenges was maintaining a fence across one of his river crossings, previous fences had been damaged or washed away when river levels rose from their normal levels to full torrents after heavy rainfall, not uncommon in the area.
The solution

Mark ran a heavy gauge wire above the fence line supported and attached to steel Y posts either side of the river, approximately 20m apart. He then ran 7 wires directly below the top supporting wire and attached these back to the Y posts. The top wire of the fence was tied back to the top heavy gauge support wire. The bottom wire of the fence was tied with lacing wire to half a waratah driven into the ground, designed to break when pressure came on the fence due to flooding.
The Outcome
Mark is extremely pleased with the result, the top wire on his fence is hot and his stock no longer get out through the fence into neighbouring property.
When the fence is subjected to heavy flooding, the fence can flex out of the way and reposition after waters recede. If any part of the fence is damaged it is simple and quick to remove the fence batten/s from the fence and carry out repairs or replace them.
"Being plastic battens, they are lighter and easier to lift up and move so you don't need much force before it goes, which In my view means that the fence stays up with minimal damage. " Mark
Fencing for Slip Prone Areas
Mark has areas of his property where slips are prevalent after heavy rains. A new fence provided the opportunity to install a section of fence whereby slips could go through without creating a lot of damage to the fence, whilst maintaining stock security.
The Solution

Over a distance of 20m Mark installed 11 battens between a steel Y post and a fixed wooden post on a strainer end assembly. Effectively the battens/droppers are placed at 1.8m spacings.
The battens are attached to 2.50mm Longlife Blue wire supplied by Waratah.
The Outcome
The fence has maintained integrity during slip events, the ground and any plant debris caused by the slip can move under the fence, designed to flex and bend up and out of the way. Rather than the fence being completely buried or broken due to slip pressures, it now provides a high level of security against animals escaping and gives Mark time to address the slip damage if severe.
The Styx fencing batten/dropper continues to be a proven tried and tested product being used by farmers for direct replacement of more traditional fencing battens such as wood, insultimber and wire products.
The electrical insulation properties of the batten make it the perfect partner for electric fence setups, whereby every hot wire used on the fence is attached and integral to the batten.
Farmers and lifestyle block owners are finding new and innovate solutions for their fencing problems by utilising the Styx batten into their design concepts.
The lightweight structure and overall flexibility of the batten reduces the sprung weight on the fence whilst providing a robust and durable product, that can withstand high stock pressure and challenging environmental conditions.